AP Essentials™

Cloud-based invoice processing automation software automatically captures,

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Tungsten AP Essentials™, formerly ReadSoft Online™

Cloud-based invoice processing automation software automatically captures, understands, validates, and approves invoices from any source. Lower your costs and reduce invoice processing time. A proper multi-tenant SaaS solution, this vendor invoice management solution is monitored around the clock by a dedicated cloud operations team to ensure optimal performance and effortless handling of significant changes in document volumes.]

Visit Tungsten Automation, formerly Kofax today for more information on all automation services and systems. Improve your digital transformation organisation-wide today by investing in intelligent, adaptable platforms. For other services such as electronic signature, AP automation, and more, browse the ACMO site and book a meeting with us today.

Save time with
cognitive capture
Enjoy the labour-reducing benefits of improved extraction rates. Adaptive, artificial intelligence-based capabilities improve document processing speed and extraction precision.
Automate with
broad ERP integration
Choose from three AP Essentials editions to accommodate unique vendor requirements. All editions integrate with ERP and pay-to-procure market leaders.
Experience low TCO and fast ROI
Achieve ROI quickly and painlessly with simple implementation, comprehensive 24/7 cloud-based support, and constant performance monitoring.
Streamline invoice processing
Native workflows ensure proper routing of invoices, enforced approval policies, and greater transparency into how processes are executed.
data accuracy
Invoice and purchase order data is extracted using market-leading cognitive capture technology, resulting in more accurate financial data and reduced risk of errors.
Pre-built dashboards provide insight into invoice status and exceptions and "zero-touch" processing and supply continuous feedback to further optimise the invoice process.
Improved supplier relationships
Faster, rules-driven invoice processing reduces late-payment penalties while securing early payment discounts and improving supplier relationships.
IT requirements
Set-up requires no hardware or software investment or time-consuming maintenance, upgrades, or updates.



Tungsten AP Essentials

Learn Benefits of AP Essentials, Editions, Technical Specifications

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