Digitally transforms workflows with trustworthy, secure, and convenient electronic signatures.
Get Started NowSignDoc digitally transforms workflows with trustworthy, secure, and convenient electronic signatures. The ideal solution for your e-signature needs, Tungsten SignDoc gives customers the communication channels of their choice to e-sign on any device they use, anytime, anywhere. By using cloud technology, this electronic signature platform will enable swifter signing ceremonies without the worry of lost or missing documents. With a paperless approach, SignDoc helps you seamlessly transition all of your important documents digitally for an elevated user experience. Stay up to date with Tungsten Automation, formerly Kofax solutions by visiting our Tungsten Automation, formerly Kofax Knowledge base today.
For more information on Tungsten Automation, formerly Kofax updates, visit our Tungsten Automation, formerly Kofax Knowledge base. To find out how ACMO can assist you with your automation requirements, Book a meeting with us today or Contact us
Spend less time and money getting contacts completed with an automated approvals workflow.
Switching from wet-ink signatures to e-Signatures will give you more insights into your contract reporting and monitoring.
SignDoc decreases the manual processes and paper & shipping-related costs and gives you the modern signing & agreement workflow you want.
SignDoc also mitigates fraud risk with multi-factor authentication, digital certificates, and signature biometrics, ensuring compliance with legal requirements like US ESIGN Act and EU eIDAS regulations with a traceable, end-to-end audit trail. Ensure the best security with multi-factor authentication, where users are able to access SignDoc with security questions, email, text, and more.
This software is also available on mobile, so that you can access signing ceremonies anywhere – whether it be in the office, face-to-face, or virtually.