
Make business spending Smart and Simple!

P2P iya

Procure-to-Pay automation creates a fast and straightforward way to request and approve business spending.
With real-time visibility of budgets against actual spend, your business can make smarter purchasing decisions and say goodbye to slow and complicated approval processes.

How does Procurement Automation help organisations manage spending?

Reduce Cost icon
Reduce cost

Procure-to-Pay (P2P) automation helps organisations increase spending controls and prevent unnecessary spending.

Saves Time icon
Saves time

P2P automation saves time by eliminating the complicated and manual approvals by using a centralised and remote-friendly workflow.

Gain visibility icon
Gain visibility

Organisations gain visibility over their budget spending with real-time insights to make informed approval decisions.


Key Benefits of P2P Automation

Multi-level Approvals

Increase spend controls and prevent rogue spending with end-to-end expense workflows with multi-level approvals with custom dollar amount thresholds for users, departments, locations, account codes, and even custom fields.

Multilevel Approvals icon

Save time

Save time through a centralised purchasing workflow and eliminate manual and complicated processes.

Save time icon

Real time impacts

Gain visibility over spend and view the real-time impacts on your budgets.

Realtime Impact icon

User- friendly

Experience a simple, connected, user-friendly and intuitive interface that even non-techies love.

User-friendly icon


Simplify and scale your purchasing process today.
Control and manage your organisation-wide spending without slowing your team down.

Custom approvals
Use Multi-level approvals with thresholds for users, departments, locations, account codes and even custom fields.
Recurring spend management
Track, manage, approve, and analyse spending against budget in real-time.
In-platform communications
Raise queries on your orders, increase transparency, and maintain a complete trail for future reference.
Expense management
Upload statements & receipts and tag expenses to specific projects.
Audit logs, analytics, and reporting
Be proactive with audits by keeping track of conversations, storing supporting documents and exporting all digital records.
Real-time budget tracking
Review budget usage before approving the next request with a detailed breakdown of spending.
Vendor and catalogue management
Manage vendor and catalogue information, bundle items together, and analyse vendor performance.
Flexible user
Design unique user roles and permissions that fit your organisational needs.
Accounting and ERP integrations
Sync account codes, vendors, and more for seamless data transfer to and from your ERP.
Purchasing workflows
Request purchases, notify approvers, generate purchase orders, receive items and reconcile payments.



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What is Procure to Pay Automation?

Procure-to-Pay or P2P automation uses process automation technology to streamline tasks, work, processes, and payment as part of the complete procurement management process. P2P automation adds efficiency to vendor evaluation, selection, and payment processes with the help of technology. It speeds up processing, saves time, and improves your monitoring capabilities with real-time data and document management.

What are the benefits of using a P2P solution?

Procurement automation is about automating your procurement processes to maximise efficiency and reduce time. It speeds up procurement by freeing employees from repetitive and time-intensive tasks to keep costs down. Procure-to-Pay automation software lets you focus on business-critical activities like decision-making and strategising.

Which areas will Procurement automation improve?

Procurement automation will improve the areas of purchase requisitions, purchase orders, invoice management, vendor management, and contract approvals. It will help you execute all procurement processes and streamline the procure-to-pay cycle with optimal efficiency while reducing costs and mitigating purchasing risks. It also enables you to study the organisation's spending habits to better budget allocation.

What is an approval workflow?

Approval workflows involve automatic routing, tracking, notifications & storage, and information sharing. You can automatically route work following the approval steps you define with approval workflow software. You can also route information to a team, department, or employee. This streamlined process is great for consistency, ease of use, reducing friction and waiting times.

Why should you automate your procurement process?

Increases productivity, eliminates manual errors, provides visibility into your company spending, acts as a central repository to communicate with your single source of truth ERP, improves collaboration between internal and external teams, and removes approval bottlenecks.